Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Week 4 - Movie Clips, Custom Motion Tweens, & Principles of Animation

Exercise #1 - Open up your animation from last week.  Make your car come to a stop and when it does stop the wheels should also stop.  Apply easing to the car to make it brake before stopping and accelerate before hitting top speed.

Exercise #2 - Apply custom motion tweening to a motioned tweened rectangle.  Make the rectangle enter the screen, stop and take off with custom easing applied to a single motion tween.

Exercise #3 - Read the following article on the 12 Principles of Animation.  Once you have read the article, write a short explanation (in your own words) of the following animation terms.  Post your response on your Blog.

Principles of Animation

  1. Squash and Stretch
  2. Anticipation
  3. Staging
  4. Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
  5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action
  6. Slow In and Slow Out
  7. Arcs
  8. Secondary Action
  9. Timing
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Solid Drawing
  12. Appeal
Exercise #4 - Begin Assignment number 1 - Bouncing Ball

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