Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Week 2 - Animation Revision

  1. Create a Motion Tween
  2. Create a Shape Tween
  3. Create a Motion Path and animate a Car driving along the path.
    • Download this free clipart image below
    • Crop it so that your have only one car (using Photoshop)
    • Draw an aerial lanscape scene with a windy road (using Illustrator)
    • Use the path from Illustrator to create an animation of the car driving on a road

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Semester 2 - Week 1

Introduction to Animation
  1. Create a flick-pad animation
  2. Create frame-by frame animation (move circle across the screen)
  3. Create a basic motion tween (move circle across the screen)
  4. Create a basic shape tween (morph shapes and change colours)
  5. Create a sunset scene using multiple layers. 
  1. Frame by Frame Animation - .fla example
  2. Motion Tween - .fla example
  3. Motion Preset - .fla example
  4. Shape Tween - .fla example

Advanced Tweens

Control a shape tween using shape hints (animate letter "M" to "N").

Motion Paths
Create a custom motion path.  Control the direction and rotation of the object along the path.

    Further Reading

    Monday, 18 July 2011

    Semester 2 - Overview

    Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills (Participate in creative thinking. Generate ideas for writing task. Knowledge Test)
    Write content for a range of media (Write game content. Write content for web)
    Create 2D Digital animations (Create simple animations and a basic game)